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I’m unable to submit my campaign information. What should I do differently?This is most commonly caused by your browser being out of date or a browser extension interfering with the online form. The easiest thing to do is to use a different browser (for example, if you’re using Firefox try using Chrome). If you’ve had an error on Chrome, or a different individual is trying to submit a letter on the same device, use an incognito window to give the digital software a clean slate.
Do digital advocacy letters make a difference?The email letters you submit through Waterways Council, Inc. advocacy portal absolutely make a difference! Each email your legislator receives is read by that legislator or the legislator’s staff, and the staff provides reports directly to the legislator. Although individual letters help influence lawmakers, when large numbers of individuals take action through our platform we are able to scale our advocacy efforts and amplify your messages even more effectively.
Do I need to personalize my letters?No. We have crafted letters with well-vetted message points we believe will be effective in influencing your lawmakers. However, it’s good practice to let your lawmakers know how you are personally being affected by their policies. Your story provides a human, emotional connection to the issue. So we encourage you to customize your communication before you press “submit.” The more personal the message, the better. Please note that some of our campaigns also include a video feature that allows you to send your story directly to your lawmaker. These are particularly powerful and help to create an impactful message.
Won't it mean more if I just send my own letter?Even if you write your own letter, submitting a letter through Waterways Council, Inc. allows us to stand stronger together. It holds legislators accountable by demonstrating the number of individuals who care about a specific issue. This collective action creates a voting bloc that helps to yield influence.
Why do you need my contact information? How will it be used?Your information enables us to contact your lawmakers; they require your name, email and full address to be able to respond to you directly as well as confirm that you are a constituent and voter in their district. We only use your data to 1) ensure that you are contacting the correct lawmakers and 2) send you updates on these issues. You are able to opt out of these communications at any time.
Can’t I simply provide my zip code?Your full address is required by almost all legislators, and the vast majority of districts are not based on zip codes. Due to gerrymandering, some zip codes are being used in up to five different house or senate districts. Therefore, it’s not possible for us to remove the full address requirement.
I submitted my email through the Waterways Council, Inc. advocacy portal. What’s next?Please look out for campaign updates as well as information on when and how to be a part of the movement. Make sure that emails are going to your inbox, not to your junk mail or other folder. We also recommend connecting with a local advocacy group. Lastly, let your friends and family know about Waterways Council, Inc. so we can see the tide turn for the preservation of constitutional rights. We cannot let industry overshadow our voice in government! Together we must make it undeniable — to lawmakers, the media and everyday citizens — how many men and women care about freedom!
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